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Prof. Dr. Omar Mosquera

Doctor in Psychology

Doctor in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador. Psychoanalyst. Clinical Supervisor Writer. Researcher and Doctoral Thesis Jury. Professor of the subjects “Psychopathology of Adulthood and Senescence” and “Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults and Gerontes” at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor of the subjects “Freudian Theory”, “Psychopathology I” and “Psychopathology II” at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Misiones, Misiones, Argentina. Published books: The superego. The Freudian elaboration. Buenos Aires: Letra Viva, 2011. The drives in analysis. Metapsychology and clinic. Buenos Aires: Letra Viva, 2016. The superego in women. Between the love of the Other and feminine enjoyment. Buenos Aires: Letra Viva, 2020. The superego. The Freudian elaboration. Buenos Aires: Editorial Letra Viva. 2021, second edition, expanded and corrected. Love in psychoanalysis. Infatuation, sexual ideal and masochism. Bs. As. Ediciones Praxis, 2000 (in collaboration)